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E ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2012

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সঞ্চয়ের প্রবৃত্তি
তীরে পৌঁছার ঝক্কি
মুমূর্ষ অবস্থা
আসন্ন বিপদ
লো + অন
লব + ণ
লব + অন
ল + অন
করণে সপ্তমী
কর্তায় সপ্তমী
অপাদানে শূন্য
অধিকরণে সপ্তমী
একুশের গল্প
অপরাহ্নের গল্প
যৌবনের গল্প
দুর্নীতি উন্নয়নের অন্তরায় ও উত্তরণের পথ

 Journalism combines writing with news gathering and interpretation. While the Journalist's work obviously varies from newspaper to newspaper and for the magazine to magazine, all journalists, are as much research workers, as they are writes. They cannot write their news of features stories unless they locate it and research them first. They must be able to read in between the lines of the main source news and interpret that. A great many stories hunt the journalist, who rejects most of them. He carefully sorts and sifts those, taking only a relatively very small proportion of news, maybe, coming form an unexpected source. A successful journalist may gather news to the tune of 1000 percent but he can use them for his profession only to the extent of 3-5 percent. He must be able to see of the forecast to himself, the news of tomorrow or the day after, from the news fo today because newspapers want advance news or advance warning to give a goo. exclusive and exhaustive coverage to anything of interest. But a real 'scoop' is a very rare event AAnd bogus scoops also bring disrepute to the newspaper. 

He must able to write effectively
He must be able to interpret the news correctly .
He must know how to sort out the news.
He must know to gather the right news.
Effective style of writing.
Selection of a small portion of the gathered news
Collection the news of a 'real scoop'
Force for tomorrow's news from today, news
They are right for the newspapers
They all make an adventure to find a worthy news
They all can forecast future news
They all have to first probe into the news they gather .

Following the relationship of the first pair of words, choose the right word for the blank space of the second pair. 

silver ware
Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago
Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago